Did the airline inform you of any circumstances that altered your flight?
Select an option
I don't remember
What was the reason given by the airline?
Select an option
Aircraft technical problem
Weather conditions
Call for a strike
Airport issues
Other reasons
Select at least one flight disturbance
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Describe briefly what happened
Did the airline inform you of any circumstances justifying denied boarding?
Select an option
I didn't make it to the check-in desk in time. Medical reasons Protection or security reasons Inappropriate travel documents (e.g. carrying a residence permit instead of an identity card) Overbooking I was not informed of any reason
Did you give up your seat voluntarily in exchange for other compensation or benefits from the airline?
Select an option
Yes No
Did the airline offer you, and did you choose, any of the following options?
Reimbursement of the ticket and/or a return flight to the first point of departure as soon as possible.
The fastest possible transport to the final destination under comparable transport conditions.
Driving to the final destination, under comparable transport conditions, at a later date that suits you, subject to seat availability
Select an option
Yes No
Did the airline offer you the possibility to take an alternative flight to yours and did you accept voluntarily?
Select an option
Yes No
Taking into account the original flight time, how late did you arrive at your destination?
Select an option
0-2 hours More than 3 hours More than 4 hours
Have you received any financial compensation?
Select an option
Yes No
Select an option
250€ 400€ 600€
Has it been 21 days since the airline lost your luggage?
Select an option
Yes No
How many days have passed since your suitcase or luggage was lost?
Indicate the number of days
Have you recovered your luggage?
Select an option
Yes No
Do you have a Declaration of Value, BIR (Baggage Irregularity Report) or any proof of the loss and/or value of the baggage?
Select an option
Yes No
Did you have to pay for any additional expenses (purchase of clothes, household goods or other necessary or personal items that you carried in your suitcase or luggage)?
Select an option
Yes No
Did you have to pay for any additional expenses (purchase of clothes, household goods or other necessary or personal items that you carried in your suitcase or luggage)?
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Tell us more about your case
Describe briefly what happened
Do you have any evidence (boarding pass, email and/or notification from the airline) to prove the change of class?
Select an option
Yes No
Tell us more about your case
Describe briefly what happened
How far in advance did the airline inform you that your flight was delayed by more than an hour?
Select an option
Less than 14 days 14 days or more
Did you have to pay any additional expenses (purchase of other tickets, transfers, loss of bookings, events booked, hotel...)?
Select an option
Yes No
Tell us more about your case
Describe briefly what happened
Tell us more about your case
Describe briefly what happened
Necesitamos la información del pasajero
NameIntroduzca su nombre.
SurnameIntroduzca su apellido.
EmailIntroduzca su email correctamente.
DNI, NIF or PassportIntroduzca su dni.
Sube tu tarjeta de embarque o billete electrónico
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